Launching Out Again
"Where have you been? Where are you at? When are you coming back? What's going on with you? When are you going to host an event? Why did you stop going classes? When are you speaking again?"
I've heard it all over the last year.
Truth be told, I couldn’t answer the questions because unbeknownst to the rest of the world, I had quit, and I didn’t know how to tell everyone.
yes, I QUIT. I was done with everything. I had let my website go down for the first time since I launched my brand. I had stopped responding to booking requests. I stopped promoting my businesses. The craziest thing is, I didn't even feel bad about it. From the deepest part of my heart, I was done.
So what brought me back?
Resolve. Forgiveness. Clarity. Self-care. And a renewed sense of who I am, and what exactly I'm called to do.
If you follow me on social media you have probably seen posts that I've shared about this journey, but the greatest turning point for me was when I realized that I had it wrong from the beginning. In all of my "keeping it real", I was still allowing fear, control, and my desire to "find my fit" to control what I was building... and naturally, because I wasn't being true to ME, nothing was working out the way I wanted it to!
I chose to take almost a year away from everything to tune out the noise, and really get clarity on my next steps, and I am SO glad I did it. I think I am at the best place I've ever been in business, and in life! Not because things are "booming out the frame" - but because things are finally in a place where so many pieces of the puzzle are starting to make sense. If you are in a place where you have tried to build something and you are frustrated with your results, I want to leave you 5 things:
1) Don't be afraid to be exactly who you are, even if that offends some people, and doesn't make sense to others. The people that you are called to need your authenticity.
2) Its okay to take a break. Theres a reason why mechanics don't fix running, moving cars. Sometimes you have to turn things off to really know whats going on! Trust God enough to take a break!
3) You don't get big results from small attempts. If you want big, you're going to have to jump ALL IN and give it everything you have!
4) Don't allow people's limited perception of you to control what you think of YOURSELF.
5) Last, but not least.... don't be afraid to try again. Its okay if you messed up. Its okay if you didn't do it right the first time. Its ok if people saw you get it wrong, and they have opinions about it. IT'S OKAY! Reassess, Reevaluate, Refuel, then RELAUNCH! The difference is this time you are coming back wiser, stronger, and better... and as a result, THIS time will be different!
Thank you so much for staying on this journey with me. I love you all and I can't wait for you to see what I have in store!
- J.Renee
Check out my recent facebook live, telling you a little bit more about the journey I've been on over the last year!.
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